Marriage Counseling: Does it Work?
Most relationships start with a spark. Whether that spark quickly turns into a blazing fire or flares up and quickly fizzles out depends on many factors. Relationships start because at least one of the partners is attracted something appealing about the other person.
Attraction alone cannot sustain a long-term relationship. Even if a couple discovers they have similar values, the same likes and dislikes and shared dreams, “love” could still fade over time.
What is Marriage Counseling?
Marriage counseling is a form of therapy designed to give couples an opportunity to explore their budding romance in depth before they tie-the-knot. It is also helpful for married couples facing relationship challenges.
There are many different approaches to counseling. Finding a therapist should begin with deciding what kind of professional you want to help you through this difficult time.
Some people in NYC prefer to seek advice from their spiritual counselor or pastor from their church. If one or both of the partners have mental illness, a trusted psychiatrist could be the best advocate. These helpers have training in counseling techniques and are usually certified and licensed by the state.
Marriage therapy is a guided exploration of the relationship. In simple terms, marriage counseling is a psychotherapy plan to help couples like you resolve their problems.
What Does Couple Therapy Involve?
Generally a therapist helps couples understand that neither partner is totally to blame for most problems in a marriage. By discussing changes in your relationship, a marriage counselor can help you identify certain behaviors or verbal messages that are creating discord.
Couples therapy NYC normally lasts from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the circumstances. Most insurance companies to not cover counseling for married couples; however, some employer-sponsored plans have special programs. Community service agencies also offer a variety of options if your financial situation prevents you from seeking help.
There are numerous reasons that couples find their relationship in trouble. Five of the major triggers that cause marital trouble are listed below.
- Breach of trust
- Financial crisis
- Child rearing issues
- Infidelity
- Sexual dysfunction and lack of intimacy
Marriage counseling can be a highly effective tool for couples to restore a loving relationship. During sessions, spouses learn how to treat each other to prevent small problems from escalating in the future. While not every marriage can be saved, an effective treatment plan can put couples back on the right track.
Whether you and your spouse are just starting out or you have been married several decades, it is important to realize that marriage is not a constant state of euphoria. Psychologists’ research suggests that happiness in a marriage is at its highest peak during the honeymoon period and gradually declines during the “child rearing years”. The good news is that happiness takes an upward turn as children leave home and returns to a level that equals those early euphoric years of wedded bliss.
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